Eric L. Walters

Associate Professor

Department of Biological Sciences, Old Dominion University

Employment Information

Long-term Acorn Woodpecker Study (Carmel Valley, California)Ryan Drobek installing an artificial granary

FIELD ASSISTANTS: Field assistants are needed for ongoing long-term studies of the behavioral ecology of the cooperatively breeding Acorn Woodpecker at the Hastings Reserve in upper Carmel Valley, California. Hastings is run by the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, UC Berkeley. We have studied the behavioral ecology of color-banded Acorn Woodpeckers for over 50 years at this site.

The research focuses on both ecological and evolutionary factors involved in the evolution of cooperative breeding. Interns will participate in monitoring group composition, experimental manipulations, and roosting/nesting/storing behavior.

Must be an avid hiker who is comfortable hiking up and down hills. Prior experience with birds (especially the ability to read color bands) is desirable but not required. Self-motivation, enthusiasm for the research questions, a willingness to sit in a blind for up to 3 hours per session (in hot weather with lots of annoying face flies), and an ability to tackle the rigors of field work are a must. We especially encourage those applicants that wish to attend graduate school in the near future and are interested in conducting an independent study during their tenure at Hastings.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to visa constraints, field assistant positions are only available to U.S. citizens / permanent residents.

Positions include a modest stipend ($700/month) and housing. The experience is designed to be one of total immersion six days per week, and provides the necessary training needed for those interested in applying to graduate school. Winter positions typically begin in August and end April 1st. Spring positions start mid-March and end in August. Because the reserve is about an hour to the nearest town, having a vehicle is highly desirable.

Current Open Positions (California):

 1 internship (8/15/22 - 3/31/23)

 Applications are due 24 July (but the position will remain open until we find a suitable candidate). Applications will be reviewed upon receipt so we encourage you to apply sooner than later. The start date is negotiable.


      UPDATED: 08 July 2022

Please include the following in your application:

  • a resumé / CV (please provide detailed descriptions [>1 page] of your academic, volunteer, and professional experiences);

  • a cover letter describing why you should be considered for one of our positions and an indication of what your short- and long-term career goals are;

  • the names, phone numbers, titles, and email addresses of at least three academic / professional references;

  • the dates you are available to work at the Hastings Reserve;

Don't forget to visit my web site Top 5 Mistakes Undergraduates Make When Applying to Field Jobs to make sure you don't fall victim to the common mistakes.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to visa constraints, field intern positions are only available to U.S. citizens / permanent residents.

Send application materials (email preferred) to:Woodpecker observation blind. Anna Brownson photo

Eric L. Walters

Department of Biological Sciences

Old Dominion University

Norfolk, VA 23529-0266


Eric L. Walters © 2021 All rights reserved.